Saturday, December 26, 2009

For guy's what looks better make up/natural looking make up/no make up at all gurls dont cake it on?

what ever makes the women feel more at ease with themselves, after all its the contents (the brain) that matter not the packaging (the body, the face, the makeup, the breast size the whatever).

although having said that I do find excessive makeup a worrying sign..... often I get the impression that the excessive makeup is being used to mask insecurities. But if wearing makeup makes that person feel happier and more at one with themselves then who cares.. if it makes them happier then it makes them a nicer person to be around, but looks fade, makeup goes in and out of fashion..... the brain never doesFor guy's what looks better make up/natural looking make up/no make up at all gurls dont cake it on?
A little make up is always good... a bit of eye shadow and lipstick..... mmmmm... can't go wrong with that.

Not too much tho obviously.For guy's what looks better make up/natural looking make up/no make up at all gurls dont cake it on?
A little make that looks natural.....
As nature intended

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